.wrote this tonight with you in my mind.

~ worthy to be loved ~


if your reading this right now

please know you are cherished.

more than a kid looking at a cloud

your presence is relished.—


this i am sure of 

because the way people beam

when in your presence.

this i’m sure of

because the way you been

trying to live in the present.—


i know the past, it pains your heart.

this i know and understand well.

i know the tears that well up

& how you stop them when they start.

   (but please just let them well…)

please just let them flow

let them go and form a river.

please— just so you know

you are more than just a giver.


receive the love… that’s been waiting for you.

receive a hug… from the person closest to you.

so if you’re reading this right now

in the way i knew you would—

please don’t let me down

by thinking you aren’t loved.


did you know five is the number 

of grace.?.

     (did you know that the living God

     has a love that abounds.)—

wait a while in his presence 

and you may just see his face…

favor, love, patience and mercy.

& he displays an endless well of affection—

just to show you you’re worthy…

you’re worthy… so worthy to be loved…

~Kiana Queen