happy new year

may this year bring you more joy than you have the capacity for.

more love than you thought possible.

and more peace to calm the raging tides whenever they rise in you.

Sullen Nights is for all who want to feel like they can breathe again…

this is a place of love, of freedom, and of peace…

so allow yourself to surrender to this beautiful journey knowing you’re emotions are honored here.

with love,

~kiana queen

For more poetry

Sullen Nights Volumes 1-7

Are on Amazon.

As Well as Featured Works In,

Mightier: Poets for Social Justice by Poet Gold

i wrote ~ Let Us Get Free ~ January 16, 2020. It’s in Sullen Nights: Volume One.

(All title dates are included each copy of the book.)

For more visual poetry, check out my Instagram Page.

Sullen Nights is a collection of poetry written through the last decade. It’s a reflection of the times, a look into the soul, an observation of humanity from a lens of nonjudgement, & a journey that follows the offbeat rhythms of life.

It’s split into Seven Volumes, composed of different themes— that explore deeper in depth what that theme truly means. There are highs and lows, poems of joy and pain. But at the end of journey, it brings relief in many ways…

I hope you enjoy this poetic world of wonder I’ve created… (& always, i would love to hear your thoughts. <3)

Sullen Nights is the first book of a poetic trilogy.

for once we find love, we find freedom, and in our freedom there is peace.

keep in touch.